
In the context of maps, a pixel is the smallest unit of display in a digital image or map. It represents a single point on the map and is often used to represent features like roads, buildings, or vegetation.

Pixels are typically square and uniform in size, and the number of pixels in an image or map determines its resolution. Higher resolution maps have more pixels per unit of area, which means they can display more detail and information.

In digital maps, pixels are often used to represent raster data, such as satellite imagery or elevation data. Each pixel in a raster dataset represents a value, such as a color or elevation height, that corresponds to a specific location on the ground.

Pixels can also be used to represent vector data, such as points or lines. In this case, each pixel represents a point or segment of a line, and the overall shape and appearance of the feature is determined by the arrangement of pixels.

Overall, pixels are an important concept in digital maps, as they are used to represent and display a wide range of geographic data. The size and number of pixels in a map determine its resolution and level of detail, and pixels can be used to represent both raster and vector data.